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intel BX chipset won't recognize SDRAM correct.

intel 440BX chipset has certain limitations:

1. A maximum of 1GB RAM can be adressed.
2. Only SDRAM modules consisting of max. 64MBit (unbuffered) or 128MBit (buffered / registered) chips are supported.

Largest supported SDRAM modules (unbuffered):
4 x 64MBit = 32MB
8 x 64MBit = 64MB
16 x 64MBit = 128MB (double sided OR double height)
32 x 64MBit = 256MB (double sided AND double height -> KEEP AWAY !)

Largest supported SDRAM modules (registered / buffered -> look for row of small buffering chips on module):
4 x 128MBit = 64MB
8 x 128MBit = 128MB
16 x 128MBit = 256MB (double sided OR double height)
32 x 128MBit = 512MB (double sided AND double height -> KEEP AWAY !)